Anton Beloglazov



A purely functional Scala client for CouchDB.

OpenStack Neat

A Python framework for dynamic consolidation of virtual machines in OpenStack Clouds.

OpenStack Deployment Guide

A step-by-step guide and shell scripts for deploying OpenStack on CentOS using the KVM hypervisor and GlusterFS distributed file system.


A Java framework for modelling and simulation of Cloud computing systems.

Zotero Scholar Citations

A plugin for Zotero (research sources management tool) for fetching citations from Google Scholar (> 13,000 users).

Favorite URL Opener

A Google Chrome extension that allows you to save several URLs and open all of them in one click.


A Java library of Hamcrest matchers for Querydsl.


A Vim plugin for looking up words in an online thesaurus.


A Vim plugin that provides text objects for the closest pairs of quotes of any type.


A Vim plugin that provides text objects for the text between the cursor position to the closest punctuation in front.


My Vim configuration.


A Clojure library for implementing real-coded genetic algorithms.

Other projects

My other projects can be found at